May 12, 2024
Faisal Abidi and Raghib Khan

The internet makes it easy to connect with other people. That’s part of what makes it so fun and exciting. However, this convenience means that the internet can be an easy place to fall victim to scams and fraud. But you don’t have to fall prey to scammers or fraudsters on the internet, no matter where you are, because there are some things you can do to protect yourself from digital fraud. Based on the conversation with Faisal Abidi and Raghih Khan, Co-founders of RNF Technologies, here are some tips on how digital fraud, scams, and spam are a threat to internet users and what you can do about it.

What is Digital Fraud?

When it comes to digital fraud, it can be hard for victims of cybercrime to understand what happened or how they got scammed. Victims often don’t even realize they have been targeted until months later when they discover their email addresses have been used as part of an identity theft ring. It is especially important that you know what digital fraud is so you can protect yourself from these scams.

What are Examples of Digital Scams?

One of the most common types of digital scams involves using technology to impersonate others. Digital scammers use phishing—emails that appear legitimate but in fact, direct users toward malicious sites—to trick users into divulging sensitive information like passwords or credit card numbers. Another type of digital scam is called smishing, where fraudsters send texts about fraudulent offers and requests for personal information. In order to avoid these scams, take time to learn how phishing works, including what kind of emails are most likely to be scams.

Who Are The Victimizers?

Digital fraud comes in many forms, but they all have one thing in common: they’re designed to exploit people who rely on digital systems. So who is most likely to be targeted by digital scams? Unfortunately, it’s often older internet users. It can be difficult for seniors and newcomers (especially children) to discern between real information online and false info — especially when an email or web page looks legit.

Why the Victims Fall For These Tricks?

Deception is both an art and a science. While it’s easy to assume that people who fall for digital fraud, scams, or spam must be stupid or gullible—or, in some cases, incredibly drunk—there’s actually a method behind these scams. Scammers use techniques of persuasion that actually trigger deep-seated human emotions. For example fear and greed.

Myths About Digital Fraud, Scams, And Spams

It’s always easy to identify digital fraud, scams, and spam. It takes mere minutes—just a single click!—to understand what they’re all about. It’s just not true.

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