September 19, 2024


Digital marketing trends evolve at the speed of light, and if you’re not able to keep up with them, you’ll be left behind in the dust of your competitors. Luckily, that doesn’t have to happen to you if you pay attention to trends and make sure to implement them as soon as they start emerging. In fact, you can even get ahead of the curve by starting to use some of these upcoming digital marketing trends in 2022 (and before!).


1) Cross-channel Integration

More and more, consumers are hopping from one channel to another. To make sure your brand is still top-of-mind even when your potential customers are watching videos on YouTube or shopping on Amazon, you need cross-channel integration that ties all of your platforms together. If a consumer likes something they see from your brand—on Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, or any other platform—your website should allow them to easily integrate that experience into their entire digital ecosystem.


2) Personalization at Scale

In today’s always-on world, your customers expect experiences that feel tailored to them—personalization at scale. By combining artificial intelligence and machine learning with user behavior data, you can deliver personal experiences across all channels of engagement. Doing so will help increase conversion rates and create better long-term customer relationships. It won’t be long before personalization at scale becomes a critical digital marketing trend.


3) Augmented Analytics

Top digital marketing trends by 2022 will be augmented analytics. Augmented analytics combines big data, advanced statistics and predictive algorithms with human knowledge, experience and intuition into something even more powerful than its components. This is because it’s more likely to pick up on something overlooked by analytical models. For example, when it comes to detecting a potential security breach, machine learning can detect anomalous activity faster than humans but without knowing whether there’s a problem or not, making such alerts pointless.


4) AI Advances

Artificial intelligence is making strides, but we’re still years away from true artificial general intelligence. That doesn’t mean our tools are useless—far from it. AI can be used to augment our abilities and make us more efficient; it can also replace humans for simpler tasks that don’t require as much attention. There will always be a place for AI on our marketing teams, which is why you should expect that AI will continue to advance over time. In fact, by 2022, you might find yourself asking: Can an AI do my job? The answer might surprise you.


5) Video Everywhere

By 2022, over 80% of web traffic will be coming from videos. That’s right—over 80%. This shift is being driven by mobile devices, which make it easy for people to watch videos on-the-go and save them as memories. In fact, more than 60% of video traffic comes from mobile.

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