September 19, 2024

Living walls are an exquisite addition to both residential and commercial spaces, boasting a mix of lush greenery and aesthetic appeal. Just as an artist would care for their masterpiece, offering the same level of attention to living wall outdoor plants is essential. Ensuring vibrancy throughout the changing seasons is no small feat, but with a handful of proven strategies, the challenge is more than manageable. Dive into our curated list of tips that promise year-round vitality for your greenwall, no matter the weather!

Understanding the Impact of Weather on Your Greenwall

Regardless of your locale, weather conditions can play a significant role in the vibrancy of your outdoor greenwall. Being equipped with a game plan for every season, especially the winter, is crucial. Whether you reside in a zone with fierce winter conditions or a temperate climate, these strategies can be your guiding light:

Opt for Native Plants

The brilliance of native plants lies in their resilience. Born and raised in the local climate, these plants inherently know how to weather the weather! For instance, residents in colder zones might want to reconsider adding tropical plants to their living wall. Sticking with plants native to your region can exponentially boost their chances of thriving through seasonal shifts. For those in milder climates, such as Southern California, extreme winters may be rare, but temperature variations still exist. Hence, local plants that are acclimated to these changes emerge as the best fit. 

Shield Your Greenwall in Cold Conditions

Winter’s icy grip can be harsh on delicate plants. However, materials like burlap, bubble wrap, and plastic serve as effective shields, creating a cozy cocoon of warmth. This method is especially beneficial for greenwalls adjacent to buildings, as the building itself acts as a thermal backer, further insulating the plants.

Rotate Your Plants

Some plants are nature’s warriors, easily taking on cold conditions, while others may wilt under pressure. As seasons transition, it’s a good idea to identify and substitute the more temperature-sensitive plants with those that are hardier and well-equipped to handle the chill. Not only does this keep the greenwall vibrant, but it also reduces the stress of constantly maintaining fragile plants. And fear not, the process isn’t complicated. GrowUp Green’s innovative felt bags and honeycomb pot system ensure that transitioning plants feels less like a chore and more like a simple shuffle. 

Hydration Before Hibernation

A plant’s foundation lies in its roots, which need moisture. Ensuring the soil is sufficiently wet before the first frost can be a significant advantage. Dry, parched soil can turn into a frozen block, restricting the plant roots from accessing vital water. Periodic checks and understanding your plant’s water needs can be invaluable in this prep phase. 

Keep an Eagle Eye on Your Greenwall

Plants have a language of their own. They signal when they’re happy, stressed, thirsty, or just content. By regularly monitoring, you’re in a better position to make timely adjustments, whether modifying the water cycle, repositioning a plant to avoid direct sunlight, or simply noting that a particular species needs a tad more care. Developing a keen eye and staying attuned to these shifts ensures that your greenwall remains robust, vibrant, and ever-resilient, irrespective of the climatic dance.


Living wall outdoor plants are not just about beautifying spaces but about the harmony between nature and architecture. Consistent care and a dash of love ensure year-round vibrancy is well within reach. Embrace these strategies, and let your greenwall be the neighborhood’s envy, come rain or shine!

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