September 19, 2024
Defrauding Gamers

If you are familiar with the online gaming world, you must know how alluring it is to the users– there are so many who access the internet just for gaming purposes. However, due to their popularity, gaming platforms also attract cybercriminals. 

Recent research has found that online gaming is a platform for fraudsters to make money from innocent gamers. Hacking is a common type of fraud that people usually encounter, but now, there are plenty of ways employed by fraudsters to loot online gamers. 

This blog has been prepared after having an enlightening conversation with Raghib Khan, Co-founder of RNF Technologies and Phonato Studios. It will educate you about scam artists’ techniques to deceive you. Read the information carefully and enjoy safe gaming. 

Five Common Frauds that Online Gamers Experience

Free Cheats or Downloads

The desire to get free cheats or downloads allure gamers worldwide is normal for a human being. Well, who doesn’t want freebies? But this desire induces an opportunity for cybercriminals to con people. You can see “free cheats” or downloads on social media platforms within a post, article, video, etc. 

Such free downloads may come with malware or malicious software that can ruin your system or steal your personal information by getting into your computer. 

Fraudulent Trades

Since gaming has given everyone a new experience through the metaverse, selling and purchasing gaming items lets you earn real money. Still, as discussed with Raghib Khan, fraudsters try to make a quick buck out of online gaming. 

In this, a fellow game user might show interest in buying your items at a premium, guiding you to trade outside the game. And you can receive money through online transactions like PayPal and send the items. 

However, the scammers may claim that they are the victim of fraud by reversing the transaction, but you can’t refute the claim to stop the reversal. For this, the scam artist gets the money back, but you don’t have the items any longer. 


Cybercriminals do their thorough research about potential victims and majorly target those not so internet savvy to take advantage of them. Observing their online behavior, friends, gaming strategies, and interests. 

The fraudsters use this way of fraud by creating an online profile using a friend’s account and borrowing in-game items or collecting the victim’s personal information. Unfortunately, it happens more than people report because most people don’t want to admit that they have been scammed. 

Mobile Frauds

Though many game manufacturers claim to provide fraud protection, mobile games are not immune to online fraud. When a victim downloads a free game and plays it on a smartphone, the app may make premium-line or international calls, racking up a hefty amount of money.

Another way of frauding through mobile gaming is to survey or quiz in exchange for free in-game items. And when the things get downloaded, they come with malware that attaches itself to the smartphone or withdraws crucial information from digital wallets. 

Final words

Stating openly about how Raghib Khan protects Phonato Studios from such types of fraud, the gaming development expert specifies the importance of using online gaming fraud detection techniques and advanced technologies, using which a gaming development company can overcome any challenge fraudster may throw at them! Happy gaming. 

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